Tuesday, February 14, 2006

All hail the Big Five

The Leopard, Lion, Rhino, Water Buffalo and Elephant. Went to the Ngorongoro crater on the weekend, a collapsed mountain top that usually has a huge lake that attracts migrating animals from all over east Africa. Now, with the drough, the lake is more like a muddy puddle. There were only a handful of flamingos and usually there are thousands. Commence worrying. When I crossed over from Tanzania to Kenya yesterday, even the cacti had wilted and withered. I can only imagine what the north looks like.

I don't know why hippos aren't included in the big five. They can weigh up to three tonnes, which is much, much more than those scrawny lions or leopards. I have a feeling it has to do with their public relations: people think of them as overgrown pigs. You don't see any Disney movies about them, although I guess they played a small supporting role in Fantasia.

"Mr. and Mrs. Thurmond J. Bewildered-Beest regret to inform you that due to unforeseen circumstances, their son, Billy, will not be attending the annual migration."


Blogger Emily said...

That rhino is so fake. What, you buy that in some giftshop? I can pratically see the stuffing coming out. You might have just photo shopped Kili in the background. It's Kili time!!! Foamy Omo.

4:37 AM  
Blogger Palmer in Africa said...

Excuse me! The only stuffing in that photo is coming from the leopard squished underneath that rhino.


11:54 PM  

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